DASEF Partnerships

When appropriate, DASEF coordinates and sponsors teacher workshops, student programs, and events for the general public with other organizations and state agencies that are aligned with the DASEF mission.
These partnerships allow DASEF and the other organizations and agencies to maximize and extend the value of the educational experience for the participants.

DASEF programs teach the responsible use of technology, along with stewardship of ourplanet and its resources. We endeavor to teach children and their families the importance of using science and technology in a way that appreciates and respects the earth -- and its most valuable resource: people. 

When appropriate, DASEF coordinates and sponsors teacher workshops, student programs, and events for the general public with other organizations and state agencies that are aligned with the DASEF mission.

These partnerships allow DASEF and the other organizations and agencies to maximize and extend the value of the educational experience for the participants.


Delaware Space Grant Consortium

This program is funded by NASA in order to train students and researchers in the state of Delaware in the areas of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and geography. By means of this training, the state of Delaware aims to help in contributing to the technically literate workforce which NASA will need in the years ahead.

Delaware Aerospace Education

Delaware Space Grant Consortium: Precollege, General Public and External Relations
In partnership with the Delaware AeroSpace Education Foundation

Delaware State University

Delaware State University: Center for Applied Optics in Space Sciences –
DASEF K-12 STEM Education Outreach Partner.

CAOSS (Center for Applied Optics in Space Sciences) is a research program in the field of Optical Sciences. The program is funded by a NASA award, which began in October 2009. CAOSS is under the direction of Dr. Noureddine Melikechi who is also the Chairperson of the Department of Physics and Pre-Engineering at Delaware State University. The Centers’ research areas include Planetary Science, Space Communications & Navigation and Astrobiology.

To Promote multidisciplinary research and education in optical sciences through the pursuit of activities that yield expansion and dissemination of knowledge, foster broad participation by assisting predominantly students from underrepresented and underserved groups in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields, enhance the national aerospace science and technology workforce, develop partnerships with the larger community and increase awareness of NASA’s mission.

K-12 Outreach: CAOSS has partnered with the Delaware Aerospace Education Foundation (DASEF), an independent non-profit educational organization that strives to raise the visibility and importance of K-12 (STEM) education to meet the intellectual and workplace needs of future generations. CAOSS will serve as the focal point for site visits to NASA Centers, which are conveniently located close to DSU. CAOSS offers an 8-10 week summer program for high school students interested in STEM careers.

For more information have this link to below.

Delaware State University

Agilent Technologies

Agilent Technologies Inc. Is proud to partner with Delaware AeroSpace Education Foundation with scholarship contributions, employee volunteerism, Take your children to work Day and our “Agilent After School” (AAS) science program. AAS is Agilent’s premier signature program that is "Inspiring the scientists and engineers of tomorrow" to engage, interest and prepare students for the future, in a technologically-advanced workforce. AAS kits include hands-on life, physical and earth-science experiments that also include measurement elements for students to build science experiments.

Delaware Division of Libraries

Delaware Libraries are partnering with DASEF to bring fun STEM programs to communities throughout the state. Visit http://guides.lib.de.us/stem to check the current program schedule, all programs are free. This online library STEM organizer also connects you to useful websites and a wealth of books and other materials available to you through your public library.

Bank of America

Bank of America supports DASEF’s vision ofcreating an exceptional learning environment that inspires children and theirfamilies. “The planetarium program is an exciting complement to traditionalclassroom learning,” said Chip Rossi, Bank of America Delaware marketpresident. “Exposure to the sciences is a critical part of a youngperson’s education.” Building on a long-standing tradition ofinvesting in the communities it serves, Bank of America is delivering on a 10-yeargoal to donate $2 billion to nonprofit organizations engaged in improving thehealth and vitality of their neighborhoods.

Delaware Section of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)

The Delaware Section of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) is a proud partner of DASEF through their Rockets for Delaware program and the Delaware Aerospace Academy. As the title sponsor of Rockets for Delaware, the AIAA Delaware Section looks to inspire the next generation of aerospace professionals that will take us to the Moon, Mars, and beyond. Rockets for Delaware and the Delaware Aerospace Academy are just two of the many STEM K-12 outreach activities that the AIAA Delaware Section organizes or participates in. To learn more about their involvement in STEM, please visit their website at https://info.aiaa.org/Regions/NE/Del/default.aspx.

AIAA is the world’s largest technical society dedicated to the global aerospace profession. With more than 35,000 individual members worldwide, and 100 corporate members, AIAA brings together industry, academia, and government to advance engineering and science in aviation, space, and defense. For more information, visit www.aiaa.org.

ILC Dover

ILC Dover is a partner with DASEF in the mission of creating more and better opportunities for Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematical learning for students in Delaware. In order to achieve ILC's vision of being The World's Leader in Engineered Softgoods, we need an educated, technically proficient workforce. DASEF is dedicated to developing people with the skills to contribute to this vision. For more information, visit www.ilcdover.com

Delaware Environmental Observing System (DEOS)

The Delaware Environmental Observing System (DEOS) at the University of Delaware’s College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment is a real-time environmental data service provider for Delaware and the surrounding region. DEOS operates a real-time weather monitoring station at DASEF’s ITEC facility in Smyrna, DE. The station reports a multitude of meteorological parameters including: air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, wind direction, rainfall, solar radiation, soil temperature, soil moisture, and snow depth. DEOS is proud to support DASEF’s weather and science programs through the operation of this weather station. To access real-time data for this station or to find out more about DEOS, please visit www.deos.udel.edu.

Georgia Institute of Technology: Low Frequency Radio Laboratory

The LF Radio Lab at Georgia Tech's School of Electrical and Computer Engineering conducts research in the fields of lightning physics, electromagnetics, and low frequency remote sensing. The LF Radio Lab designs, builds, and deploys very sensitive broadband radio receivers that listen to the ambient noise of waves below 500 kHz that are trapped between the ionosphere (70-90 km altitude) and the earth. Waves at these frequency are especially interesting because they propagate to global distances and can be used as a diagnostic tool for the D-region ionosphere, a region of the earth’s atmosphere that is too low for satellite measurements and too high for balloon measurements. The Delaware Aerospace Education Foundation (DASEF) has partnered with the LF Radio Lab to host a radio receiver for scientific purposes and to educate K-12 age groups about related STEM fields and opportunities. These activities are funded by a National Science Foundation grant to Georgia Tech.

For more information, please see: http://www.ece.gatech.edu/research/labs/lf/index.html

Painted Stave Distilling

Painted Stave partners with DASEF to support the founders interest in encouraging and nurturing girls interested in STEM fields. Painted Stave donates all commission from sales in their art gallery and hosts an annual art auction to support this effort.

Galaxy Garden Enterprises

Galaxy Garden Enterprises is partnering with science centers and planetariums worldwide to bring an improved cosmic perspective to the people of Planet Earth. The Galaxy Garden™ is a new and effective tool for understanding the scale of the universe.

Planet Earth Sprouts Galaxy Gardens

Delaware Electric Cooperative

Delaware Electric Cooperative is a proud supporter of DASEF’s efforts to educate and inspire students. The Cooperative is a member-owned, not-for-profit utility serving 100,000 homes and businesses in Kent and Sussex Counties. Delaware Electric Cooperative’s mission is to provide safe, affordable and reliable power to its members while improving the lives of those living in the communities it serves.


DuPont is proud to partner with Delaware AeroSpace Education Foundation in support of STEM education, especially those programs which target traditionally underserved populations across the state.

DuPont Logo

SSS Clutch Company

SSS Clutch Company is pleased to partner with DASEF. Being an engineer, leading an engineering firm, and having a son who is an aerospace engineer at NASA JPL, I wholeheartedly support the efforts to educate young people and encourage them to pursue engineering, science and technical interests in general. Its organizations like DASEF and dedicated educators like you who will pique the interest and curiosity of young people and encourage more to pursue engineering and engineering related careers.
~ Morgan L. Hendry, President, SSS Clutch Company, Inc.

SSS Clutch Company Logo

Aearo Technologies LLC, a 3M Company


Using life-size, authentic inflatables, DASEF’s Endangered Species programs have been developed to bring an awareness and an appreciation not only of the beauty and size of these magnificent creatures but also to present ways to safeguard habitats and work across international borders. DASEF is most appreciative of 3M’s support.




Phone: 302.659.5003
Email: info@dasef.org