Residence Academies

Overnights held at University of Delaware

Pencader Complex and Clayton Hall

Hands-on activities and many opportunities for problem solving in small teams are included. All cadets will receive a camp T-shirt & many handouts about the new high-tech world they are entering.

Destination Moon
Delaware AeroSpace Education Foundation (DASEF) - Destination Moon
(Entering 7th, 8th and 9th grade) integrates real world experiences with Lunar Studies, lessons in Crystal Development, Advanced Rocketry, Remote Sensing, Robotics, Computer Sim, Composite Materials & Telescope Building & Field Trips.
University of Delaware

Destination Mars
Delaware AeroSpace Education Foundation (DASEF) - Destination Mars
(Entering 8th, 9th & 10th) offers challenges such as designing a robotic vehicle & a rocket, solving a critical life-support problem, assembling a space station underwater, & conducting in-flight experiments in our Mars Simulation and Field Trips.
University of Delaware

Phone: 302.659.5003
Copyright © 1997-2024 by the Delaware AeroSpace Education Foundation