DASEF Birthday Parties

Come to the Environmental Outpost for a Birthday Party!

Your selection of themed parties includes dinosaurs, space, butterflies, or pirates. Enjoy lots of fun activities to make and take with you!

The fee for a 2-hour party is $250 for up to 14 guests; additional guests are $8 each up to maximum of 20. Parties are for ages 4-10. You are welcome to bring food and supplies for your party. Parties are held at the Environmental Outpost at 140 Dinosaur Drive, Smyrna, DE 19977.

To schedule a Birthday Party, please email your name, number of participants, and your phone number to our scheduling coordinator, Ila Jasinski, at ijasinski@dasef.org.

Sounds Like Parties

Delaware AeroSpace Education Foundation (DASEF) - Butterfly Birthday PartiesYou and your guests will use Boomwackers plastic tubes to discover changing pitches and make up songs, make and take home a rain stick, watch a movie about fantastic music machines, see a demonstration of vibrations in our Dancing Water Bowl, take the "Mystery Sounds" challenge, and play "Guess What's Shaking".

Butterfly Birthday Parties

You and your guests will go on a hunt around the grounds to find model butterflies and learn about protective coloration, assemble a Monarch butterfly puzzle, watch a movie about butterflies, use hand lenses for a close-up look at our butterfly and moth collections, and make a paper butterfly to take home.

Dinosaur Birthday Parties

Delaware AeroSpace Education Foundation (DASEF) - Birthday Party

You and your guests will assemble a dinosaur puzzle, watch a video about dinosaurs, hunt for and assemble the pieces of a life-sized skeleton model of "Protoceratops" (the first horn-faced dinosaur), make a prehistoric dinosaur scene, and make a fossil to take home.

Space Adventure Birthday Parties

You and your guests will watch a video about space, assemble a planetary puzzle, build and launch a film canister/seltzer rocket (ages 5 to 7) or a soda bottle rocket (ages 8 to 10, for which each guest should bring a 2-liter soda bottle), and make a space magnet or picture frame to take home with you.

Pirate Birthday Parties

You and your guests will visit our life-sized model of a sailing scow to hear about local pirates, make a pirate hat and patch, go on a pirate treasure hunt, assemble a pirate puzzle, and see a pirate movie.

Underseas Adventure Parties

You and your guests will make and take home a periscope and use it to decode secret messages hidden around the building, take the "Ship's Cargo Challenge" - problem-solving for young ship builders, see an animated ocean movie, assemble a puzzle about life under the sea, and make a bead sea creature to hang in your room.


Phone: 302.659.5003
Email: info@dasef.org
Copyright © 1997-2025 by the Delaware AeroSpace Education Foundation